Eco Policy 2009-01-19

As a member of the living globe, Shiny is well aware of its responsibility to the environment. The concept is to spread the idea to all staffs, and strategically implement the environmental management system to protect the ground. Shiny will continuously bring the concept into practice and establish associated methods to achieve the mean.

Moreover, the concept also takes place in part sourcing, designing and production. The whole process put great emphasis on efficiently use of energy and raw materials. Shiny believes the prevention shall take place in advance; seeking solutions at the front of the pipe as opposed to the end of pipe. The commitments are:

1. Complying environmental standards, and focus on preventing
   pollution in advance.

2. Executing efficiently use of energy and raw materials from planning
   and development throughout the production process.

3. Monitoring the implementation, and seek for continues improvement.

4. Eco-friendly products.

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